Patty Travels to Pregnancy #1 (I)
It took me awhile before i continue this blog of mine. Guess it's gonna be full of my pregnancy experiences and soon motherhood.
Let me take you back to May 2017 where my last post...
I found out i was pregnant with #1 then, and i declared to my company that i was pregnant. I couldn't continue my job, as the job nature does not allow.
Not too long after i got to know i was pregnant, i started to bleed. Everyone should know that, bleeding in pregnancy is a BIG thing. I went to my family doctor to certify i was pregnant, and he asked me to go to a gynae ASAP to get things check. So he immediately gave Dr Chan Kong Hon whose clinic is located at Gleneagles a call and fix a urgent appointment for me. Also, he wrote a letter directed to him, and ask me to pass to Dr Chan when i see him.
So lucky of me, they managed to squeeze me in for that day. And i flew to Gleneagles straight after making payment. I remember that day, i was all alone from the time i started bleeding to the time i was at my family doctor, till i make my way to Gleneagles, i was so afraid and scared. I do not want to lose this little angel of mine.
Upon reaching Gleneagles, i was Mr.K (my hub). He took half day leave, to accompany me and make sure things are alright.
At Dr Chan's clinic, he did many test for me. And sadly, ultrasound can't find my sac. But, Dr Chan was calm and he told us that, i am still in the very early stage of pregnancy, so not being able to find the sac is normal (i was only 4weeks?). He advised me to do a PAP Smear, and blood test to test my HCG level, as that is the fastest way to check if this pregnancy is normal or elsewise.
For those that whom are unsure what's PAP Smear, it's a procedure to test for cervical cancer in woman. A PAP Smear involves collecting of cells from your cervix - the lower, narrow end of your uterus that's at the top of your vagina.
Some say PAP Smear test is painful, some say it's not, but to me, i would say it's uncomfortable.
For those that whom are unsure what's HCG level, its Human Chorionic Gonadotropin, a hormone produced by your placenta once an embryo implants in the uterus. In short, for a normal pregnancy, HCG level should increase double within 48hrs.
Okay back to my story,
It took me awhile before i continue this blog of mine. Guess it's gonna be full of my pregnancy experiences and soon motherhood.
Let me take you back to May 2017 where my last post...
I found out i was pregnant with #1 then, and i declared to my company that i was pregnant. I couldn't continue my job, as the job nature does not allow.
Not too long after i got to know i was pregnant, i started to bleed. Everyone should know that, bleeding in pregnancy is a BIG thing. I went to my family doctor to certify i was pregnant, and he asked me to go to a gynae ASAP to get things check. So he immediately gave Dr Chan Kong Hon whose clinic is located at Gleneagles a call and fix a urgent appointment for me. Also, he wrote a letter directed to him, and ask me to pass to Dr Chan when i see him.
So lucky of me, they managed to squeeze me in for that day. And i flew to Gleneagles straight after making payment. I remember that day, i was all alone from the time i started bleeding to the time i was at my family doctor, till i make my way to Gleneagles, i was so afraid and scared. I do not want to lose this little angel of mine.
Upon reaching Gleneagles, i was Mr.K (my hub). He took half day leave, to accompany me and make sure things are alright.
At Dr Chan's clinic, he did many test for me. And sadly, ultrasound can't find my sac. But, Dr Chan was calm and he told us that, i am still in the very early stage of pregnancy, so not being able to find the sac is normal (i was only 4weeks?). He advised me to do a PAP Smear, and blood test to test my HCG level, as that is the fastest way to check if this pregnancy is normal or elsewise.
For those that whom are unsure what's PAP Smear, it's a procedure to test for cervical cancer in woman. A PAP Smear involves collecting of cells from your cervix - the lower, narrow end of your uterus that's at the top of your vagina.
Some say PAP Smear test is painful, some say it's not, but to me, i would say it's uncomfortable.
For those that whom are unsure what's HCG level, its Human Chorionic Gonadotropin, a hormone produced by your placenta once an embryo implants in the uterus. In short, for a normal pregnancy, HCG level should increase double within 48hrs.'s-normal? |
I am someone with low tolerance level for pain especially needles. So, for all my blood tests or injections, i would end up with red faces and tears all rolling down my cheeks.
Day 1 (The day i visited Dr Chan): i took a blood test. 2 days later, i went back to take another blood test. So they can compare the levels to determine if its a normal pregnancy or abnormal pregnancy.
Results was out a day after i had taken the test. Nurses from Dr Chan clinic called me and break the bad news to me, that my levels wasn't increasing as ideally as it should be, and advised me to head down to have more blood test done so that they can monitor the values.
I listened to their advices and went back down for more blood tests. To the extend that my condition is not as positive and so coincidentally that Dr Chan is out of town, the nurses then refer me to Dr Lai Fon Min at Camden Medical.
At the same time, i got a call from my company that they do not accept letters from private doctors/hospital. Concurrently, i had to make a trip down to KKH to start all over again.
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